My Achievement

I have started to go for a morning jog every other day since three months ago. It was so tough at the beginning. Just to run for 100 meters, I was coughing so very badly, felt lack of oxygen and somehow I also felt dizzy. But I didn’t stop and decided to try it again instead. I tried to deal with myself by taking it slowly. I don’t trust in an instant way, especially in reducing weight and become healthier. Since those two were my aims. I’ve gained 10 kg more than my ideal weight and I found that my both leg joints gave cracking sound when I was folding them. I got scared, really. Even though the online articles say it’s okay and quite normal. But, it has never happened before in my life.

I was thinking, maybe because I’m lack of mobility for quite longer time. That’s why I then opted for the simplest one (I have no bicycle at the moment, and everyone who ever visited Bali knows that we are very dependent with motorbike), which is the morning jog.

After some time, slowly I managed to run better and could run longer without stopping. I have set milestones by dividing the 5.8 Km path long (I know it’s ONLY 5.8-but for me as a beginner it’s huge) into parts. Now I could run over 2.2 Km non stop and I feel fine afterwards. The rest 3.6 Km I do it in mix. I push myself harder every time I reached one more milestone.

I know I have to control my emotion, but, I just want to remember that now I feel it’s such a joy! I feel I have learned some important things:

  1. that milestones are needed in life,
  2. that if we don’t push ourselves a bit more..we ain’t going nowhere,
  3. that a “WILL” is important, and yet “EXECUTION” and then “CONSISTENCY” are much more important.

And so far, for me, I think two days once is the best, since I want to do it for longer term and I want to give my body a rest in between. Now, the left leg is free from cracking and the other leg has it a little still. Then, last time I checked I’ve lost 2 Kg of weight (I don’t do diet or even fasting for this purpose). And actually now, I don’t really think of overweight anymore. I came to believe that as long as our body has balanced activities and we eat in normal portion (means not too much nor too less) and balanced portion, our body weight will adjust accordingly. Fasting once in a while is also good for detox.

That’s it.

Just a share of my simple achievement and want to thank myself for that.

I will continue to work on myself.

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